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International Medical Congress of Izmir Democracy University 2023

Submission Rules and Information

Abstracts will be sent online on the congress website under oral and poster presentations. Papers sent by e-mail, mail, etc. will not be accepted.

Please write your preference for "Oral Presentation" or "Poster Presentation" in the description section when uploading your papers.

Abstracts should be included scientific studies.  Original research presentations should be structured as “Introduction and Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion". Case presentations should be structured as “Introduction and Purpose, Case Presentation, Discussion and Conclusion".

Abstracts should prepared in English, full text papers should be prepared in English or Turkish. If oral presentations are accepted, the presentation language may be Turkish or English.

The total number of words (excluding references, tables and captions) of abstracts should not exceed 500 words.

Maximum 4 pictures and/or 2 tables should be uploaded to the system. Patient, hospital-department information should be removed in the uploaded images, pictures should be named as ‘a, b, c’ and so on. The findings in the pictures should be marked via ‘arrow, arrowhead’ and so on. Any information expressing the identity of the authors, directly or indirectly, must be hidden in the paper.

After the proceedings have been evaluated by the referees, they will be notified by e-mail.

For oral presentations, the registration of the author presenting the paper, for electronic poster presentations the registration of at least one author in the author list should be done.

The papers of the authors who have not registered to the congress will not be included in the online congress proceedings book.

Upon the request of the authors, full text papers will be re-evaluated after the acceptance of the abstracts. Full-text papers should be at most 1500 words long.

Papers can be uploaded to the system in the form of abstracts and if accepted, full text can be uploaded. accepted as full-text papers. In addition, authors may prefer abstracts without loading the full text.

Deadline for Abstract Submission

Deadline for abstract submission is 20 November 2023.

Deadline for full text submissions of accepted papers is 27 November 2023.

For registration, please visit ""



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